Keep your eggs at room temperature or refrigerated, but keep them away from fish or anything strong-smelling since the eggshells are porous and can absorb other smells. If it’s standing up and the egg white is not watery, it’s a fresh egg. Crack an egg on to a plate and look at the yolk.

Use good quality eggs for the best result. As for duck eggs, these are larger, and will take 3 minutes for soft or 7 minutes for firm. They take about 1 minute for soft or 2 to 3 minutes for firm. Quail eggs are smaller than regular chicken eggs. How Long to Poach Quail Eggs and Duck Eggs Remove the cooked poached eggs on to paper towels, using a slotted spoon, then serve with toast and some salt and black pepper. If it feels too soft, give it more cooking time. Take one out of the pan and push it gently with a teaspoon to test if they are done. Then it also depends whether you are using chilled or room temperature eggs and also on the size of the eggs. Soft-poached eggs take about 2 minutes, medium-poached more like 3 minutes, and firm-poached 4 minutes. What is the best poached egg cooking time you might wonder. How to Make Poached Eggs in an Air Fryer.How to Make Poached Eggs in the Instant Pot.Nonstick Stainless Steel Egg Poacher Pan.What Else Can You Use for Egg Poaching Liquid?.How Long to Poach Quail Eggs and Duck Eggs.